Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Have A Happy Easter

Step #1 :Wear Goggles!

Between the amount of sun, pollen, and construction dust, the only way to keep all those things out of our eyes would be to strap on a pair of goggles...we don't have goggles, so we'll just squint!  The construction is moving along though and it looks like the new dorms will actually open on time.  The closer they are to finishing the dorms, they closer they are to our front door.  I actually woke up the other morning because I heard this awful CRASH!  I felt like I was living the "Night Before Christmas" because I actually did spring from my bed to see what was the matter...away to the window I flew like a flash...and then I opened the blinds to see what the damage was.  All I heard was the sound of crumbling rock, and I was convinced that the crew had run into the building.  I was wrong, they were just dumping an entire truck load of rocks right outside our window.  And today, they've moved so close, I think we can actually read each other's lips if the blinds are open.  This closeness also means that Tyler's worst fear has come true...they have taken away our sidewalk that leads to our porch...luckily for us, they have created an alternate route to our porch by replacing the sidewalk with stepping stones construction materials (boxes, rocks, plastic).  It's actually very creative on their part...Tyler hasn't seen it yet, he will not be a happy camper!

Other than nasty construction dust (and stinky porta-potties), the pollen here has been crazy.  It is everywhere: all over the cars, the windows, the sidewalk boxes, rocks, and plastic, and all over my bike...which brings me to my next step...

Step #2: Ride Your Bike

I went on a bike ride (8.6 miles to be exact) the other day, and as I was feeling very good about myself, I think my bike was feeling otherwise.  The next morning, I woke up and found my bike in the following condition:

That's right...flattest flat tire ever!  This obviously was how my bike told me that I was acting crazy the other day...is this a sign that working out is a bad idea?  I don't think so, because I got another bike tube and you better believe I'll be back out on the road again.

Step #3: Admire Your New Homemade Wreath

Thank you Jana White for the fabulous idea!  When I saw this on her blog, I just had to have one for myself.  So, I made this one and I'm very pleased at how it turned out.  Little sis, Kayla, also made one, and we both love them. 

Step #4: Eat Good Food

I wouldn't exactly say we had a fancy Easter dinner.  This whole "living on a budget" thing meant burgers and hot dogs for us on Easter Sunday, and even though it wasn't fancy, it was delicious!  We had some friends over for lunch (including brother Ryan) and finished everything off with homemade ice cream and strawberries...YUM! 

Step #5: Take Pictures

Easter Sunday means picture time!  Here are a couple of the ones we got...by the way, trying to get Tyler to take any kind of series of pictures is very difficult (Lynley, Nikki, and Lindsey can attest to that).  He usually has to be told how many pictures he is expected to smile in...so this is what we ended up with (besides the one at the top of the post).

Step #6: Discover the True Meaning of "Spring Cleaning"

I have never actually practiced the art of Spring Cleaning...until this weekend.  This is not to say that I've never cleaned anything, but rather that I've never extreme cleaned anything.  On Saturday morning (after eating breakfast in bed!), we decided it was time to give the apartment the once over and do a bit of cleaning.  This proposed 1-2 hour cleaning spree turned into an all day affair.  What was accomplished?

* Vacuuming * Dusting * Sweeping * Shaking out the rugs * Swiffer Mop * Bathtub * Toilet * Mirrors * Dishes * Laundry * Sheets * Porch * Windows *

The windows were a nightmare...but I will say that all of our hard work payed off and the apartment looks GREAT!  Now it's time to have company...Jeremy comes into town today, and we can't wait to hang out. 

Update from his visit to come!  Until then, Happy Easter, hope it was a good one for all!

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