Sunday, February 23, 2014

T + E = 3

That's right folks!  If you haven't already heard from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the other 1,000 people who already know...I'm PREGNANT!  Since we only started telling people about 3 weeks ago, it is still a little surreal to us.

*Baby is the tiny white blob at the bottom of the black moon-shape thing*

Side note: telling people you're pregnant is weird...there's no good way to bring it up in conversation without sounding completely conceded.

This is how we spread the news...

Precious, I know!  And if you're going to ask us if we're having a bear, or if we're naming it "Baby," someone has already beaten you to the punch (thanks Kayla, Justin, and Jimmy...the three most sarcastic people I know).

Needless to say we are SUPER (or sOOper, right Tara) excited about little E.  Here are some of the highlights of this journey so far:

1) We found out on December was a long process of taking 5 different pregnancy tests 6 days early (because they can do that) and having no idea if we were pregnant because 2 said yes and 3 said no.  Finally, I decided Tyler decided we should just be patient and wait a little while longer.  We got back from Thanksgiving break, took a test while we were unpacking our suitcase, and found out we were pregnant on the first day of Advent...appropriately since Advent is all about waiting!  It took a little while for it to sink in...a long while for Tyler (who by the way, kept forgetting I was pregnant).  I scheduled my first appointment, and embraced the Advent season, and waited.

2) We had our first appointment right before I was officially 7 weeks along.  Got to hear the heartbeat and see the tiny dot that was Baby E.

3) Because I have a horrible lie face, and because they wouldn't stop bothering us, Kayla and Aaron were the first to find out.  I told them that baby was the size of a poppy seed and asked if they had any poppy seeds in their pantry so we could see what size that actually was...Kayla immediately responded "are you kidding?  You think we have poppy seeds in our pantry?  We do have quinoa!"  Then she proceeded to get the quinoa out, and we all decided it was an appropriate substitute (we were wrong by the way...quinoa is way bigger!).  Which brings me to #4...

4) We call it Quinoa.  The nickname immediately stuck once we pulled the quinoa out.  So if I refer to baby as Quinoa...know that's the name right now!

5) We told the rest of our family on Christmas Eve...apparently we could not surprise them because they had been waiting so long (really folks...4 1/2 years) for us to drop the news on them.  So basically, when we asked them to open a present that was going to tell them we were pregnant, they were too distracted with asking each other "is this you think this is it...are they telling us...are you thinking what I'm thinking...etc."  Come on...OPEN THE PRESENTS!  Since Kayla and Aaron were in on the news already, they sneakily hid their GoPro in the bookcase and we got it all on film!

6) We announced to the rest of the world when I was officially 12 weeks along!

7) I embraced my first sign of baby bump at 15 weeks!

8) I was only a victim to morning sickness twice...even though I was nauseated constantly for about 10 weeks!

9) We find out if Quinoa is a boy or a girl on March 13th!

I would say those are the major updates so far.  Plenty more to cravings (which Tyler calls my normal eating habits...what does he know...I'm carrying his child...but he is pretty much right). 

1 comment:

  1. I did NOT make any of those jokes. thankyouverymuch. Also, you need to make your video public on youtube because you can't watch it on the blog as it's currently private.
