Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long Update on Life!

-U-A-C-H-I-T-A!  Last Saturday, our families came to celebrate my graduation ceremony with us.  I love it when our family comes into town, and even though it was about the quickest trip ever, it was great.
I technically graduated in December, but I had to wait until now to participate in a ceremony.  Since we were around anyways it was no biggie!  Here are the parents with me...thanks again for my education...and my fancy new necklace...and my awesome new patio furniture!  I love you both so much, and I can't begin to express my thanks to you.  Tyler and I both are so grateful for you guys and the fact that you took care of our schools!
After the ceremony, it was...of course...picture time!  These are the girls of P3 (Perrin 3rd floor).  I can't believe we stayed friends through our entire college years.  We had all lived on the same hall since freshman year, and this was the first year that we were all separated.  So here we are reunited (and it feels so good) and we're all proud to be holding up our "3"

This is us our freshman year...halloween...this picture doesn't seem like it was that long ago...CRAZY!

Yes...we are all grown up now.  We're off to work, get married, be married, study some more, live in different cities, and keep searching for what we're supposed to do in life. 

Love, love, love these girls!  And of course, I love this guy:
Best husband in the world!  He was such a trooper during all the pictures, and the picture re-takes.  Then, there's this girl:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KACBOO!  Kayla was sweet enough to share her birthday with my graduation and with Megan's wedding day.  She's the Bomb-Dot-Com!  Speaking of Megan:

Right after graduation, we all ran to get in the car so we could get back to Dallas in time to watch beautiful Megan walk down the aisle.  The wedding was PERFECT!  You couldn't have asked for better weather, and we had all been asking for a long time for perfect weather! 

Exchanging of vows...

Unity sand...

The smooch...
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell!
And duh...another wedding means another reunion of these friends.  This is one of my favorite groups of people in the entire world!  These are the besties!

Here are the big newcomer Jordan (even though he's been in the group for a long it's official).

And here are the little besties...minus Nikki.  We missed you so much, and wish you could have been here with us.  We'll see each other soon though...I think there's a special weekend coming up for the little besties and their boys?!

Once again, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis

Followed by mom and 2/3 of the daughters. 

It was definitely one of the craziest weekends, but it was well worth the exhaustion that followed.  We're so happy for you Jordan and Megan.  Have fun on your honeymoon!  Kelsey and Kayla, we love you both...more "it" next time.  Ma and Pa Ellis, thanks so much for making the trip to Arkadelphia...we love you both so much (and thanks for letting us stay with you).  Big and little besties, you guys rock the house.  Can't wait till we do it again (let's practice Single Ladies for next time).  Mommy and Daddy, thanks for everything, especially the new measuring tape game.  You are AWESOME! 

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