Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Hot Waterless Ellis Household

Day 5 of the hot waterless Ellis household. That’s right…Tyler and I have been out of hot water since Friday, and this is how we have coped with the situation:
Multiple times we have thought of boiling water on the stove to fill the tub with…no thanks.  We have gotten pretty good at taking quick showers. Tyler currently holds the record for fastest shower yet. He recently shaved a second off of his time of 2 min 25 sec. We’ve found other ways to cut down on shower time. 1) lather the loofah before starting the shower; 2) skip the conditioning step; 3) lather, rinse, DO NOT REPEAT; 4) don’t bother rinsing anything until the end…keep the shampoo, body wash, and face wash on until the very end (this also minimizes time that the full body is subject to cold water).

Last night, after once again contemplating the boiling water idea, we decided to phone a friend. Trusty Becca came to the rescue and offered her shower up to us. We packed a bag of clothes, towels, and shower stuff, and headed over to her place to take advantage of her hospitality. Beating the record was the last thing on our mind. Thanks for the hot water Becca!

Other than our lack of hot water (which is hopefully going to be fixed this afternoon), Tyler and I were asked to take the very large, flat screen TV out of the lobby for the summer, so you can imagine where it is staying for the next three months…in our living room! I’m afraid having this TV all summer is going to make it very hard to give up when students come back. We’ll see what happens! Also, we have recently joined the Netflix world, and since we can now stream through our Wii, we’ve been watching movies and TV series like no other!

The other night, we really wanted to watch TV in bed, but the big screen is in the living room, and so is the Wii…solution: we pulled the mattress from our extra bedroom into the living room and had a sleepover on the floor. It was so much fun. I knew we were missing something though…so…next time we will make a fort and sleep on the mattress in (what will be) the coolest fort ever!

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