Friday, January 28, 2011


Apparently people do read my blog because I was nominated a “Stylish Blogger Award" from the lovely Poe Family.  And out of the MANY blogs that she follows, I can't believe I was picked...thanks!  I'm so glad that blog post consistancy was not part of the award...I would have been at the bottom of that award list.  So what now?
Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award to 10 3 great bloggers (let's face it...I don't have a huge following...or follow any huge number)
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award

Now, I'm usually very skeptical about these types of things, because they remind me horribly of middle school chain letters.  You know what I'm talking about:

"If you don't forward this on to 25 of your friends, you will never find your true love."

"If you ignore this email and don't forward it on, then you don't love Jesus."

"If you reply to this in the next minute, you will get three wishes...if you reply in 5 minutes, you will get two wishes...if you reply in 10 minutes, you will only get one wish...etc"

"If you forward this to 10 of your closest friends in the next hour your crush will ask you out!"

But, I figured that it wouldn't hurt, and there actually was never a threat to my love life, or spirituality, so I figure it's safe to continue...

So...7 things about they go:

1. I am currently reading through C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia...and I'm LOVING it!

2. My favorite pen in the world is the Pilot G-2 07.  I actually got a pack of them in my stocking this Christmas...thanks Tyler, you know me all too well.  Don't even try to argue with me...I'm always willing to try new pens (people think they can persuade me to convert to another pen) but I have yet to find a better one.

3. I love glasses and cups!  If we had more room Tyler would let me, I would always be buying new drinking glasses and cups.  I find ones that I like all the time, but we have a cabinet full of them!

4. My favorite movie of all time is Father of the Bride...My dad is totally George Banks.

5. I'm afraid of the toilet flushing at night...let me explain.  Our bathroom is all the way across our apartment (about 10 steps) and in the middle of the night when I have to go to the bathroom, I am afraid of flushing the toilet because it is so loud.  When I turn to go back to our bedroom, our empty guestroom is to my back, and the volume of the flush makes it so that I couldn't hear it if someone was attacking me from the guestroom as I walk back to the yeah...I run back to bed.

6. I always take my shoes off in the car on long trips, but I don't like to go barefoot in the car.  I have to have a pair of socks to wear.

7. I used to hate eggs...during my first year of marriage, Tyler helped me change I love them!  Next on my list of foods to learn to like...raisins...we'll see!

And now...the three lucky people I am passing the Stylish Blogger Award on to:

1. Baylor Barretts

2. Kolby and Emily

3. Let's Hear It For The Boys

No threats here...have fun with it if you want!

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