Sunday, August 30, 2009

Student Teaching Semester

As most of you know, I will be graduating this December!  To complete my degree, I will spend this semester student teaching.  Due to a few hiccups right before school started, I was transfered from working at Goza Middle School in Arkadelphia to Cabe Middle School in Gurdon.  Gurdon is about 20 minutes away, so it's a commute, but it's not a horrible one.  My student teaching semester is split into two rotations.  My first rotation started last Wednesday and will go until October 16th.  I'll spend this time with Mrs. Jackson in a 7th grade English class.  My second rotation starts on October 20th and goes until December 11th.  I will hopefully spend that time at Arkadelphia High School with Ms. Slavens in 11th and 12th grade AP English classesThis is a picture of my classroom at Cabe Middle School.  I have three classes total, and about 60 students in all!  I'm very excited about the semester and can already tell it is going to fly by! 
On another note, since I'm graduating in December, it's not the best time to get a teaching job.  Also, since I'm working in the dorm, I'm not allowed to have a full time job.  Fortunately, I already have a job lined up here on campus.  Once I graduate, I will become the Assistant Director of Campus Activities.  It will be so great to be able to live and work on campus while Tyler works in the middle school here.  We are blessed to have these opportunities, and are excited about the days, months, and years to come!

1 comment:

  1. SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!...look at you, little miss blogger!!! YAYYYY! So excited to keep in touch with you through the crazy blog world!!! Love ya!
